What does £1,200 of content spend a month look like with us?

December 22, 2022
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Firstly, we are probably doing a shoot with you every 2 to 3 months - on the day we would do it in a variety of different locations (in our office in Edinburgh or somewhere closer to you) to mix the content up - some 'to camera' stuff, maybe a 15 min convo chat that we can cut up, as well as out in the 'field' content. To start with, this content would be pretty broad - you are getting used to what being on camera is like, and learning what the process is like too, so we wouldn't do anything too crazy - mainly because in 6 months time, you will likely want to do it all over again.

Then, we would cut all this footage up into loads of different pieces - some would be good for the website in blogs or on product pages, others for socials, use in newsletters as well as then looking at what we can integrate into the sales process. We could even being working with your paid media agency to design content that works for your ads too!

In numbers terms, we are probably posting 3 times a week across all your social channels, emailing out your contact list every week or so, and building out your YouTube channel with the content, as well as working with your web guy to get the content on the website. We also will work with you and the team to find out what content is useful where in the sales process.

So that gives you a vague idea of what 1.2k a month on content can get you - everyone is slightly different but that gives you a starter for 10!

And as for 2.4k a month? You can expect the same as above - but a little over double - double the speed, double the output - double the impact.

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