Video content has become a powerful tool for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you're a company promoting your products or an individual sharing your expertise, the quality of your video content can significantly impact your success. We put together this blog to explore the critical factors to consider when creating video content and provides valuable tips to help you shine on camera.

Tips for Producing Engaging Content:

1. Self-Assessment:

The first step in creating compelling video content is self-assessment. Ask yourself:

2. Preparation is Key:

Knowing what you're going to talk about and practising your delivery can make a world of difference. To achieve this:

3. Personal Presentation:

Your appearance and surroundings matter more than you might think. To make a positive impression:

4. Confidence Boost:

Amp up your confidence, as the camera can be intimidating. To overcome this:

Creating high-quality video content requires careful consideration of how you present yourself on camera. By following our tips and taking the time to prepare, you can boost your confidence and ensure that your audience is not just content with your content but truly engaged and captivated. So, are you ready to make a memorable impact with your video content? Start implementing these strategies today!

Decoding Video Content Budgeting

When it comes to creating impactful video content, the question of budget often resembles the enigmatic nature of the length of a piece of string. Unlike conventional purchases, video content isn't about sheer volume; it's about the value you're ready to invest and the outcomes you aim to achieve.

Investment and Objectives

When you're considering collaborating with a video production company to craft compelling content, there are two pivotal metrics to keep in mind: your investment and your objectives. Your investment isn't just about the money you're willing to spend; it encompasses the value you place on the content's quality, impact, and reach. Clearly defining your objectives sets the foundation for crafting a budget that aligns with your content goals.

What Shapes the Costs? 

Creating video content without a clear understanding of its potential costs is like navigating uncharted waters. Numerous variables can influence the budget, including:

  1. Amendment Allocations: Consider how much you're willing to allocate for potential amendments. This allocation directly affects the extent of content you'll receive. A flexible budget for amendments allows for refining your content until it's perfect.
  2. Multi-Platform Strategy: Are you planning to share your content across various platforms? Each channel might require adaptations, edits, or even entirely separate versions. Your budget needs to account for this diverse implementation strategy.
  3. Your Message: Crafting messages that resonate with different audiences on different platforms can exponentially enhance your content's impact. However, this customisation demands careful budget planning to accommodate the additional efforts required.
  4. Location and Personnel: The shoot's location and the people involved significantly impact costs. Travel expenses and personnel fees all play a role in shaping your budget.
  5. Duration of Shoots: The duration of shoots, whether they span hours, days, or even months, directly affects costs. Longer shoots involve higher expenses, but does not necessarily mean more content.

Budgeting Made Practical

The most effective way to approach video content budgeting is to transparently share your content aspirations and your budgetary constraints with the production team. This collaboration allows for informed discussions on timelines, resource allocations and creative possibilities. By clearly communicating your vision and budget, you create a solid framework for a successful project.

Unlocking the Potential of Your Video Content Budget

Budgeting for video content is a multifaceted endeavour that merges creativity with practicality. It's not about a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather a personalised strategy that considers your investment and your content objectives. Remember, understanding the variables, setting clear objectives, and collaborating openly with professionals are the keys to unlocking the full potential of your video content budget.

Why Clients Believe ChatGPT Writes All Our Copy

When it comes to content creation, there is often a misconception that modern copywriters rely heavily on AI to churn out their work. At YouMore, we've noticed that some of our clients wondering if ChatGPT is the wizard behind the curtain crafting all their content. However, the truth is far from this assumption. I want to shed light on the reasons behind this belief and explain the intricacies of crafting SEO-optimised content that occasionally might sound a bit off.

The ChatGPT Copywriting Conundrum

So, you've probably heard the rumour that AI, like ChatGPT, is responsible for all the content you see online. While it's true that AI can play a role in content strategy and is used by loads of companies, the reality is more nuanced than it appears.

SEO and the Art of Copywriting

Creating compelling content that ranks well in search engines is no cakewalk. We're dedicated to optimising our clients' content for SEO, which often means weaving keywords and keyword phrases seamlessly into the text. However, this can sometimes lead to content that sounds less like natural conversation and more like a robot's script. Before I write any blog or website copy, I first delve into some SEO research; checking what words are currently ranking relevant to the topic and which keywords have less competition in trying to achieve that coveted page 1 ranking. 

The SEO Keyword Dilemma

Keywords are the lifeblood of SEO. They are essential for helping search engines understand the content of a web page and connecting it to user queries. Our clients often wonder why some parts of the content sound less like spoken English and more like a jigsaw puzzle, where fitting the right keyword is like trying to hit a square block through a triangle hole.

The Importance of Strategic SEO Copywriting

My job is to craft content that not only ranks high on search engines but also resonates with your readers. Achieving this delicate balance can sometimes be challenging.

The truth is, while AI like ChatGPT can do the job of a copywriter, the human touch can never be replicated, crafting engaging and relatable content.

Striking the Perfect Balance

Copywriters are the unsung heroes who skilfully strike the perfect balance between SEO optimisation and a conversational tone. We understand that content should not just be seen but also enjoyed, and this requires a human touch.

So, rest assured that when you work with YouMore, you're receiving content that's crafted with a perfect blend of art and science. By understanding the intricate dance between SEO and the art of writing, we can dispel the myth that ChatGPT is the sole author behind our content. Oh! And if you would like to read a blog written by ChatGPT, check out this blog I asked to put together. Let’s see if you can spot any differences! Read it Here

Building Trust with Clients Through "Best of" Content

One of the most effective strategies for establishing trust with clients is through the creation of "best of" content. This approach involves curating lists and providing valuable information about the top businesses and products within your industry. Similar to review-based content, the focus here is on your competition rather than solely on your own business. Wondering why this strategy works wonders? Well, it positions you as a voice of authority, emphasising your honesty, transparency, and trustworthiness. As the age-old saying goes, "People buy from people they trust!" In this blog, we will explore the power of "best of" content and how it can boost your online presence, attract more traffic, and ultimately lead to increased sales.

The Importance of "Best of" Content for Trust Building 

When it comes to building trust with your target audience, "best of" content is a potent tool in your digital marketing arsenal. This type of content showcases your industry expertise by highlighting the best businesses and products in your field. By doing so, you're demonstrating your commitment to providing value and helping your audience make informed decisions.

Attracting Online Shoppers: Why "Best of" Content Matters: 

In today's digital age, consumers often turn to the internet for research before making a purchase decision. When potential customers search for information about your industry, they're likely to come across your "best of" content. This not only drives more traffic to your website but also positions you as a reliable source of information. As a result, those considering your competitors may find themselves drawn to your expertise, ultimately increasing your leads and sales.

Expanding Beyond Competitors: Diverse "Best of" Topics: 

While "best of" content is a great way to outshine your competitors, it can also cover a wide range of topics beyond rival businesses. For instance, if you're in the roofing industry, you can create content discussing the best insulation materials for lofts or effective methods for removing moss from roofs. By addressing these common questions and concerns, you establish your business as an authority in your field, gaining the trust of potential clients.

Answering Client Questions: The Path to Trust and Prosperity: 

To truly nurture trust with your clients, don't hesitate to answer their questions about every aspect of your industry. By adopting an honest and transparent approach, you're showing your dedication to their needs and concerns. This commitment to providing valuable information will foster trust and set the stage for your business to flourish.

"Best of" content is a valuable asset in your quest to build trust with clients. By showcasing your expertise, attracting online shoppers, and addressing a wide array of industry-related topics, you can establish yourself as a trusted voice in your field. Remember, when clients trust you, they are more likely to choose your products or services. So, embrace the power of "best of" content, and watch your business thrive!

The Power of Reviews: Boosting Trust and Authority in Your Industry

Building trust and removing doubt are essential goals. As we've discussed in our previous Blogs about The Big Five topics, consumers are avid comparers. They seek to gather all the information they can before making a purchasing decision, and one of their most reliable sources of information is reviews. In this blog, we'll delve into review-based content and how it can elevate your authority and online presence.

The Review Revolution

You might be thinking,'"Reviews are something customers write, not businesses.' However, it's time to shift your perspective. The core principle here is to comprehensively answer your clients' questions and concerns. And one question that undoubtedly lingers in their minds is, 'What's the best business or product in the industry?' This is where review-based content comes into play.

Businesses Can Produce Reviews Too!

Yes, you read that right—businesses can and should create review-based content. It's not just about showcasing your products; it's about providing a holistic view of your industry by reviewing your offerings and those of your competitors.

The Power of Honest Reviews

While reviewing competitors may seem counterintuitive, it's a powerful strategy in the digital age. Gone are the days when businesses believed that avoiding any mention of competitors would make them invisible to potential clients. The internet has changed the game.

By honestly reviewing different businesses in your industry and the products they offer, you establish yourself as a voice of authority. You showcase your expertise and deep knowledge of the industry while delivering valuable information that empowers consumers to make informed buying decisions.

Becoming the Go-To Source for Information

When you provide helpful information, even about your competitors, you position yourself as the go-to source for industry insights. This drives more traffic to your website and puts you in the driver's seat of authority.

Honesty Is the Best Policy

Remember, the key to success in review-based content is honesty and transparency. Consumers can spot insincere praise from a mile away. Instead of singing your praises, provide objective reviews. Acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of various businesses and products. This level of authenticity is what truly resonates with your audience.

Kickstarting Your Review-Based Content

Need an idea to get started? How about crafting a blog post that highlights the best businesses in your area within your industry? Dive into the reviews, share your insights, and let your audience know what truly stands out.

Drive Traffic, Leads, and Sales with Review-Based Content

By embracing review-based content is a surefire way to boost trust, establish authority, and increase your online presence. By honestly reviewing businesses and products in your industry, you'll become a valuable resource for consumers seeking guidance. This approach not only drives traffic but also converts leads into satisfied customers. So, don't shy away from reviewing your competitors; instead, seize the opportunity to become an industry expert and a trusted voice in your field. Give it a try, and watch your business thrive!

Trust and Conversions: Why Addressing the Elephant in the Room Matters

It's natural to want to showcase your strengths. After all, emphasising what your company excels at is a surefire way to attract potential customers, right? While this approach has merits, it's essential to recognise that consumer psychology often revolves around concerns and doubts. In this blog, we'll explore the power of addressing these concerns head-on and how it can boost trust, conversions, and your overall online presence.

Shifting the Focus: Embracing Customer Doubts

When consumers are faced with a purchase decision, they tend to focus more on what could go wrong rather than what could go right. It's a fundamental aspect of human psychology. Acknowledging and addressing these doubts and concerns should be a cornerstone of your marketing strategy.

Transparency as a Trust-Building Tool

So, how do you build trust in an environment filled with skepticism? The answer lies in transparency and honesty. Don't just highlight your strengths; be upfront about the potential problems and weaknesses of your product, business, or industry. While it might seem counterintuitive, this approach is a proven method for earning trust.

Beating Competitors at Their Own Game

Your competitors won't shy away from pointing out your weaknesses, either. When they do, savvy consumers will turn to the trusty search engine. They'll type in queries like "problems with business X" or "issues with product Y." Here's where your strategy pays off: if you've tackled these concerns head-on in your content, your website will be the one they land on.

Addressing the Elephant in the Room

The key to success is addressing the elephant in the room—the questions and concerns that your clients are silently pondering but your competitors are ignoring. Avoid the temptation to bury your head in the sand and pretend these issues don't exist. Today's consumers are well-informed, and they appreciate honesty.

Providing the Answers Consumers Crave

When you take the initiative to answer your customers' most pressing questions and concerns, you stand out from the competition. You make the buying experience smoother and more comfortable for your clients, leaving them with a sense of relief and trust.

The Path to Increased Conversions

By addressing the problems within your industry, business, or products that everyone is talking about but no one is answering, you create a significant advantage. You become the go-to source for reliable information and solutions. This, in turn, positions your business as a trusted authority and inevitably leads to increased conversions and sales.

Embrace the Elephant for Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and marketing, it's crucial to address the elephant in the room. Be the voice that answers the questions and concerns your clients have been searching for. Embrace transparency, build trust, and stand out from your competitors. By doing so, you'll not only make the buying process easier for your customers but also elevate your business to new heights. So, don't shy away from the elephant; confront it, and watch your results soar.

Why Competitor Comparisons are Key to Becoming an Industry Authority

When it comes to establishing your business as an industry leader, there's a powerful strategy that often gets overlooked: competitor comparisons. In this blog, we'll delve into the importance of addressing your competitors head-on and how it can boost your online presence. Get ready to climb the search engine rankings and become the trusted voice in your niche!

The "Big 5" topics are the pillars that support your journey to becoming the most trusted voice in your industry. Among these, one topic that deserves special attention is comparing your business with your competitors.

Acknowledging the Competition

Business owners sometimes hesitate to address competitors, fearing that ignoring them will make customers oblivious to their existence. However, in the age of the internet, this strategy is simply not effective. Your clients have easy access to information, so if they find your business, they can and will find your competitors.

The Power of Answering Questions

Remember the golden rule of inbound marketing: answer your clients' questions. When people consider making a purchase, they often seek comparisons to determine what suits them best. This principle applies to your business as well; you should aim to serve those who will benefit the most from your products and services. This approach is fundamental to building a reputation as the best in your field.

Creating Informative Content

To address this topic effectively, consider producing blogs, lists, and videos that compare your offerings with those of your competitors. Analyse the pros and cons of each, allowing your audience to make informed decisions. This strategy provides an opportunity to compare various categories and circumstances where one might excel over the other.

While discussing competitors, it's crucial to avoid any bias that could compromise the trust you've built with your audience. Be transparent and honest about what your business provides and the type of people who would benefit the most from it.

 Real-World Examples

Here are a few examples to illustrate this approach:

These questions highlight the need to create content that directly addresses your audience's inquiries. By doing so, you not only gain trust but also position yourself as the go-to source when people search for answers, even if those answers involve your competitors. Remember, getting people on your website is a win in itself!

The Competitive Edge

Incorporate competitor comparisons into your content strategy to solidify your position as a trusted voice in your industry and propel your website to the top of search engine results pages. Embrace this approach, and watch your authority and online visibility soar!

Addressing your competitors openly and honestly can be a game-changer in your quest to become an industry authority. By creating valuable content that answers your audience's questions and provides unbiased comparisons, you'll not only gain trust but also outshine your competitors in the digital arena.

Building Trust and Boosting Sales

One of the crucial aspects of business that often remains shrouded in mystery is 'Cost and Pricing.' It's a topic that many business owners and marketers tend to refrain from discussing openly. However, in this blog, we'll shed light on the importance of being upfront and honest about your pricing. By doing so, you not only build trust with your potential clients but also set the stage for increased sales.

Why Transparent Pricing Matters

Trust is paramount. When potential clients visit your website or engage with your brand, the cost of your products or services is often the first question on their minds. By providing transparent pricing, you demonstrate that your business has nothing to hide, making you a more trustworthy prospect. Being upfront and honest about your pricing showcases your business as transparent and genuine. It conveys to your audience that you are confident in the value you offer, which fosters trust. Potential clients who trust your brand are more likely to convert into loyal customers.

Addressing Key Aspects of Cost and Pricing Content

To create effective cost and pricing content, you should consider these three key aspects:

1. Address Factors Influencing Cost - Your content should address any factors that influence the cost of your product or service. Whether it's the quality of materials, labour costs, or other variables, being transparent about these factors helps potential clients understand your pricing.

2. Comparing with Competing Products - It's essential to compare your prices with competing products or services. Explain why yours may be cheaper or more expensive. Highlight the unique value you offer to justify your pricing.

3. Showcasing Your Product or Service's Worth - Your cost and pricing content should specifically address why your product or service is priced the way it is and why it's worth the investment. Use this opportunity to sell your product, emphasising its benefits and advantages to customers.

Implementing Transparent Pricing Across Platforms

Ideally, it would be best if you had transparent pricing for all your offerings. Implement this pricing strategy consistently across various platforms, from your website to your social media pages. Consistency builds trust and reinforces your commitment to transparency.

By being transparent about your pricing is not just about revealing numbers; it's about building trust and forging lasting relationships with your clients. By addressing pricing factors, comparing with competitors, and showcasing the value of your products or services, you'll attract more leads and boost your sales. So, the next time you create content or engage with potential clients, remember that transparent pricing is a powerful tool that can set your business on the path to success.

Navigating Content Creation

In your quest to acquire top-tier video content for your business, a pivotal crossroads emerges: should you call on a content agency, enlist a freelancer, or establish an in-house team? The decision weighs significantly, and we're here to guide you through it. 

Leveraging the Power of a Content Agency

When you opt to work with a content agency, you're not merely engaging an individual's expertise; you're tapping into the collective mind of an entire team. Our content agency brings forth a spectrum of skilled professionals—copywriters, videographers, editors—an all-encompassing package built for creativity and innovation. The collaborative nature of our team fosters a reservoir of collective knowledge.

Adaptable Versatility for Varied Demands

Experience is our beacon of versatility. Our agency has forged connections with our clients and diverse businesses, leaving us with adaptability and flexibility in our strategies. The talent within our team translates to enhanced efficiency in project execution, eliminating the spectre of imposing deadlines.

Strategy at the Forefront

A defining aspect of our agency is our strategic approach. Partnering with us entails a comprehensive plan that delves deep into understanding your objectives. We meticulously tailor content to harmonise with your vision, unravelling the core essence driving your content aspirations.

Quality Amplified: Tech and Talent Integration

Our commitment to excellence resonates in the calibre of our content. Equipped with cutting-edge equipment, advanced technology, and superior software, we engineer content that surpasses expectations. Moreover, our agency's willingness to traverse distances ensures your business essence is captured, no matter where it resides.

The Practical Perks: Stability and Networking

The pragmatic advantages of agency collaboration abound. Say farewell to the complexities of sick leave and vacation time. Working with an agency assures steadfast content creation, even amidst unforeseen circumstances. Additionally, our extensive network unfurls a realm of connections, empowering your business endeavours.

The Balance of Considerations

Certainly, a few drawbacks warrant attention. The financial investment in an agency might surpass what individual freelancers demand. While our agency is entrenched in its processes and software, this framework optimises communication, enhancing efficiency. The spirit of challenging ideas enriches the creative process, ensuring excellence.

Tailoring Your Decision to Project Scope

Ultimately, the choice to collaborate with a content agency or a freelancer hinges on your project's scale and requirements. While smaller projects might thrive under the wings of a solo freelancer, comprehensive endeavours find synergy with our multifaceted agency approach.

In conclusion, whether to embrace a content agency or an individual freelancer rests on the context of your content aspirations. As your compass in content creation, we're prepared to guide you toward informed decisions that align with your business goals.

I recently wrote a post about how our business seems to run in cycles:

  1. A crazy month 🤯
  2. A slightly quieter month 📉
  3. An even quieter month📉
  4. A busier month 📈
  5. An even-more-crazy-than-the-last-crazy-month month 🤯🤯🤯

and so on....

I think a lot of us are like this too; one minute business is mental, and the next it's quiet. So, how should your strategy towards creating your own content change in that time? How do you focus on making sure that you can still provide great work for your clients, whilst maintaining the consistency of content that encourages fresh leads through the door?

Bulk Content Creation

The key is Bulk Content Creation (BCC).

Now I can hear some gurus saying "Your content needs to be fresh and keep up with the times and trends which can pop up and disappear in 24hrs - you'll miss them if you only do bulk content creation".

Yes, I 100% agree, but these happen maybe once every few weeks. Every now and then a TikTok trend blows up, people like it, and then try to ride the wave. But 90% of your content doesn't have to be like that.

Advantages of Bulk Content Creation

The reason we like BCC is because it allows you to create a high volume of good quality content during your quieter business months. This gives you a catalogue of content and the ability to drip feed it into your various channels - social media, email, etc. - over the next few weeks and months.

Bulk Content Creation in Practice: Edinburgh Business Stories

Our podcast - Edinburgh Business Stories - involves myself and ActionCOACH Alan Smith having amazing conversations with multi-million pound business owners in Edinburgh. These come out every other week, but that doesn't mean we shoot, edit and schedule a new podcast every fortnight. If we were to film just one of these every other week and have the edit complete in time for it to go live it would probably work fine - but no one would think that's the smartest way to go about it. Instead, the smart plan of action is to record three or four in one go, get them edited and then give yourself a few weeks or more before the next shoot is needed. Compared to the constant stress and rush of having an edit that needs finishing, this is a far more efficient way of doing things.

The Problem with Content Creation

The problem with content creation is your "normal" content generation requirements often don't have a deadline. You don't need to post on socials every day, it doesn't really matter if you miss your weekly email campaign, no one likes your LinkedIn content anyway, so missing a week when you are busy won't matter. So, when you get busy, you just stop. Your social media channels, email campaigns, and fresh website content all run dry. How can you stop this from happening?

The Solution

Most of the time, I find YouMore is as much of an accountability partner as it is a content generation machine for your business. Our job is to make sure you stay consistent with your content. It is so easy to think "I am busy, I don't have time to film/post/create/share", but much smarter folk than me have said that, when you are busy, that is the time to really push your marketing and keep your foot on the gas.

So, bulk create! Let's make sure that in your downtime we create as much content as we can, with variety to keep things fresh and interesting in the long run. This will also save you a lot of time; rather than us coming out to shoot 3 or 4 times, we can come out once, capture loads, and then spend the next few months editing and implementing it. As a result you'll have a steady, consistent flow of content across your channels.

We are used to being the driving force behind your content generation and implementation, and this is by far the most effective and efficient way of producing your content - both for you and ourselves. So when you're thinking about your content for the future, consider bulk creation!

In the meantime have a read of our other articles on the evergreen and deciduous content and the pros and cons of bulk vs. spontaneous content creation.

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